21:48 Grooming & Personal Care

Squatch Q&A: Do You Need To Wash Your Beard?

Beards are a privilege, not a right, and proper care is important. But what’s the right cleansing routine? Shampoo it like your man mane? Scrub it like you mean it? Let it ride, sans sudsing? We’ve got the answers, let’s dive in.

First off, yes, you absolutely need to wash your beard. Just like that hair on your head and the scalp underneath it, regular washing of your beard is crucial to keeping your beard soft and manageable, and your skin healthy and itch-free. That said, “beard wash” is a scam. There, we said it. You’ve probably seen a range of different beard wash products out there but the truth is, you don’t need anything more than good natural soap. Beards don’t require special washes or products to be maintained, so chalk those up to a bit of marketing B.S. 

While you can use shampoo on a beard if your beard has significant length, just make sure you’re using solid natural shampoo (see our point above) so you’re not drying out your delicate facial skin. Regular use of exfoliating soap is important too. It’s going to scrub away dead skin that can help keep your facial hair follicles free of ingrown hairs and your beard from looking flaky. While we’re on that beard maintenance tip, don’t forget regular trimming (check out a few tips here) and taking a few extra minutes to use some beard oil on the regular. It’s going to keep that mane soft and manageable, as well as moisturizing the skin underneath.

Keeping your beard clean, fresh, and dialed-in is an important personal care move, especially if you’re in it for the long haul. So, follow these few simple pieces of advice and your face fur is going to be looking (and smelling) triumphant throughout every season.

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