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Soap Made in USA: Why It’s Worth It

You hear it all the time. “Buy American Made.” Most of us are on a budget though, and not everything we need is made stateside, right?

Wrong, just about every consumer good has some product that is made in the good ole U. S. of A, and it’s important to support this cause as it’s our economy and our future that we hold in the palm of our hands and in our pocketbook.

Here’s a couple reasons why it matters:

JOBS: All products that are made in America are providing Americans jobs. There’s a growing trend appearing of companies understanding that their customers care about this and because of this and other reasons manufacturing “reshoring” is a growing trend now. This decision can be justified by not only providing jobs but by the proximity to customers, quality, access to skilled labor, transportation costs, supply-chain lead time, and ease of doing business.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: As you may well imagine, manufacturers in China are way less scrutinized for their environmental impact then we are in America by the EPA. We’re already starting to feel the effects of all this pollution in China drifting across the seas and hitting the west coast.

This isn’t even to factor in the petroleum used to transport these goods from one side of the world to the other. Think global by buying local, the environment will thank you.
We at Dr. Squatch Soap Co. are proud to tell you all of our natural soaps and our soap saver are made in America. Our soaps are handmade in Indiana and our Soap Savers are hand cut in California by real, hardworking Americans. So you can feel good about supporting a company and product that is responsible, transparent, and down home.

So what do you think, is soap made in the usa worth it?

Banner Image: Anthony CrampFireworks – Adelaide Skyshow 2010” CC 2.0/Cropped

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