09:30 Grooming & Personal CareNatural Living & Health

Non Drying Soap – Is Bar Soap Harsh on Skin?

A number of our customers used to be “body wash” guys before switching over to our bars, and we often get questions about bar soap and if it’s hard on your skin. So we thought it would be interesting to put together a quick infographic taking a look at some of the common soap myths. Can you really find a non drying soap bar?

Check out our collection of handmade bar soap!

Banner image thanks to: Andre Chinn, “black water” CC 2.0 / Cropped

Common Scents: How To Wear Cologne

Grooming & Personal Care Ultimate Guides

Smelling great is key, but wearing cologne properly is an art that requires some proper execution. No matter how you approach this important journe...

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Inside Suds: Q&A With Squatch R&D Director Alex Blackstone

Ever wondered what goes into the process of crafting our legendary Squatch briccs you (and millions of other people!) love so much? Here. We. Go. W...

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The Top 3 Squatch Scents Women Love Most

You wanna smell your best right? Welp, we did the research for you! We surveyed a gang of gals, crunched the numbers, and zeroed in on the top 3 s...

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Morning Showers vs Night Showers: Which is best?

Grooming & Personal Care Man Stuff Natural Living & Health

It’s time to tackle a debate as old as time: Is it better to shower in the morning or at night? Whether you’re a rise-and-shine scrubber or an even...

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