19:30 Natural Living & HealthSquatch Men: Lifestyle

5 Benefits To Singing In The Shower

Via SuperFantastic/Flickr

Whether you want to admit it or not, we’ve all been guilty of singing in the shower. It’s in there that we instantly turn into Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars or Justin Bieber. It’s just something about the shower acoustics that tend to make us sound way better than probably most of us actually are.

In the shower, we all think our singing is just as good (if not better) than Justin Timberlake (Via Wikimedia Commons)

If you are one of the many Americans who enjoys belting out a note or two when in the shower, keep it up! According to some medical experts, there are actually some real health benefits to it. Below, we list some of them.

  1. It’s a great stress reliever

Have you ever noticed after singing the shower, you tend to be in a better mood? Medical experts say there could be a reason for that. Whenever you exercise your lungs, you obviously take in more oxygen. Inhaling more oxygen naturally reduces your stress level, experts say. This is why therapists treating patients with anxiety will often encourage them to take deep breaths when they feel overwhelmed. It calms them down.

  1. Can reduce your risk for heart disease

Research has shown that singing, even when you’re showering, can be good for your heart. According to medical researchers, singing is technically an “aerobic activity.” Doing so increases oxygenation in the blood stream and gives major muscle groups in the upper body a workout. This can make your heart stronger.

  1. Can boost your immune system

When we are stressed, our bodies produce more cortisol. When we produce more of this hormone, it suppresses more of our immune cells, making us more susceptible to getting sick. The more you sing, the less vulnerable we are to outside body invaders.

  1. Can help fight depression

In an article by Time magazine, it reported that singing can lead to increased happiness by acting as the perfect tranquilizer. When we sing, we release endorphins better known as ‘feel good’ molecules. This might explain the emotional response many of us have when we hear our favorite song on the radio.

  1. Can boost your memory

Research has found that singing, including in the shower, can supercharge your memory. “Singing enables people with dementia to access memories and joy in times when communication is faltering,” says Sarah Teagle, co-founder of the Forget-Me-Not chorus, a charity for dementia sufferers.


Whether you can sing or can’t sing, belt your heart out anyway. It’s bound to do more good than harm! Oh, and while you’re at it make sure you shower with Dr. Squatch. It makes for the perfect pretend microphone.


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