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The Definitive Thanksgiving Side Dish Rankings

Squatch Men: Lifestyle

Here we are, the week of all weeks. Thanksgiving is here and it’s go time baby! Sure, turkey is all well and good, but, real talk, Thanksgiving is ...

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How to Prep for Thanksgiving Dinner like a Champion

Ultimate Guides

Thanksgiving Dinner Prep (For Your Stomach) This isn’t your usual guide to Thanksgiving dinner prep. We won’t be sharing our favorite turkey recipe...

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Behind the Bricc: Halo Spartan Scrub

Grooming & Personal Care Natural Living & Health

One word: Halo. A legendary game among legendary games, and one of the most influential first-person shooters of all time. So yeah, you be...

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Top 5 Men’s Grooming Tips For Fall

Grooming & Personal Care

Ah Fall, it’s finally here. Cooler weather, crisp air, crackling leaves, squash-flavored coffee beverages, and, most importantly, a time t...

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Squatch Q&A: Should Men Use Conditioner?

Grooming & Personal Care Hair Care

What’s your stance on conditioner? If you’re like many men, maybe you only think about it as something for long hair. Or, maybe you think ...

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Behind The Suds: Bricc of the Dead

Grooming & Personal Care Natural Living & Health

From story to scent to ingredients, a hell of a lot goes into developing one of our signature, limited edition briccs. The Squatch geni...

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The Top 5 Zombie Movies of All Time

OH SHI*T THEEEYYRRR’EEE HEEERREE! Hell yeah, it’s scary movie season. While there’s never been a better time to post up on the couch wi...

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The Best Oktoberfest Celebrations In The US

Squatch Men: Lifestyle

A visit to the legendary OG Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany should absolutely be on your drinking bucket list, it’s truly an amazing experience (if ...

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Why You Shouldn’t Wash Your Hair Everyday

Hair Care

How often should you wash your hair? Most of you probably think that’s a silly question as you likely wash your hair as part of your daily shower r...

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WTF Is The Difference Between Antiperspirant and Deodorant?

Grooming & Personal Care Natural Living & Health

Chances are you may not have given much thought to what you’re swiping on those pits. Plus, these days it’s tough to even figure out what’s what wh...

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The Best Fly Fishing Spots in the U.S.

The Great Outdoors

“Well, I was waist deep in my waders, with one hand on the butt-section of my rod,” (sips his beer) “and the other tying an open clinch knot, ready...

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8 Adventurous Spring Break Destinations

The Great Outdoors

It’s that time of the year, Squatches. We’re looking at the calendar and planning our spring break trip. While we wouldn’t want to live anywhere in...

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